Friday, September 17


Dish of the Day- Majjiga Pulsu
Place- Andhra Pradesh

Majjiga Pulsu is South India's answer to Sindhi kadhi. It has is a yogurt- based curry that goes very well with hot rice and papad. This post is dedicated to my grandmother whose Majjiga Pulsu you have to taste to believe! It's heavenly- not too spicy, not too sour, it's simply delicious..:)
For as long as I can remember, I've eaten this curry with rice and potato fry. It's almost become part of the weekly menu at home.

Majjiga means buttermilk and pulsu is generally the term used to describe a thin clear soup. Majjiga Pulsu is basically buttermilk flavoured with turmeric powder and vegetables. Bottle gourd is the predominant vegetable in this curry.

This pale yellow coloured stew calls for vegetables cooked in a delectable combination of coconut and green chillies paste and well-beaten sour curd, that is guaranteed to tickle your taste buds. 

How to Cook it Up:- (serves 4 people)

Cubed vegetables (Bottlegourd & Tomatoes)........ 2 cups
Thick Curd (preferably slightly sour)......................2 cups
Turmeric powder..........................................................1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Water...............................................................................1 cup
Grated coconut...............................................................4 tbsps
Green Chillies..................................................................3
Coriander Leaves...........................................................2-3
Mustard seeds...............................................................1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds.....................................................................1/2 tsp
Hing/ Asafoetida............................................................1/4 tsp
Methi seeds.....................................................................1/4 tsp
Oil.......................................................................................1 tbsp
Curry Leaves...................................................................10-12


1) Make a paste out of the grated coconut, green chillies and coriander leaves.
2) Beat the curd well after adding water to make it acquire a smooth sauce- like consistency.
3) Combine the ground paste and the beaten curd and keep it aside.
4) Add half a cup of water to the cubed vegetables alongwith 1/2 tsp of salt and cook it till they are half-cooked.
5) Heat oil in a pan and add the mustard seeds. Once they start popping, add the cumin seeds.
6) When the cumin seeds start turning light brown, put in the methi seeds and hing. After a few seconds, add the turmeric powder, red chillies and curry leaves till they start spluttering. Take it off the flame and keep it aside.
7) Add the curd- coconut mixture to the vegetables and cook slowly. Keep stirring continuously. Cook it until the vegetables absorb the flavours and the gravy thickens.
8) Do not let it boil. Turn it off heat and keep the lid closed for a few minutes before serving, to let the spices sink in.

* It is important to keep stirring because the pulsu has a tendency to curdle.

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